Coding Help
Quackit: For tutorials and base codes you can edit.
OneCompiler: For testing out and editing your codes.
W3Schools: For coding tutorials
Backgrounds & Decorations
PyCheung: A background checker to make sure it connects seamlessly.
RemoveBG: For removing backgrounds from images.
HorrorGifs: Horror themed gifs for all you spooky babes
Blinkies Cafe: Blinkie maker.
All blinkies, gifs, etc. are (or should be) lined back to where I got them< Go support the og creators!!
Other Codes Used
StackOverflow: Used for the commission slideshow.
Website Counter: Counts how many times people visit your site.
CBox: A chat bow for your site.
Moon Connection: An information box with the phases of the moon.
SCMPlayer: Custome playlist for your site of tumblr.